Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Old do you have to be to be a member with VIP Savings Club?

How many phone lines can the app be downloaded on from the same household?

Who is VIPsavingsclub?

How much does it cost to be a team member to participate in our compensation program?

It is $50.00 a month.

What is VIPSavingsClub Compensation Plan?

Payplan Explainer Video 1

Can I create a membership account as a corporation or business entity?

What Payment Methods are Supported?

How and when do you pay commissions?

Can I change the name on my account?

Can I use my membership to book cruises, hotels, and other offers for others and not use myself?

Can I have more than one account?

How can I cancel my Membership?

Can I edit my auto pay subscription payment details?

Which countries are eligible to participate in our membership?